Does homeowner’s insurance offer roof replacement coverage?

insurance roof replacement coverage

Most if not all homeowner’s insurance policies cover a roof replacement if it’s caused by severe weather such as wind or hail damage. Severe weather damage is considered an act of nature and unavoidable, therefore covered by your insurance. This also includes damage from fallen trees or limbs from severe storms. What your insurance policy won’t cover is neglect, poor installation, or poor maintenance resulting in a deteriorating roof.

Assessment Of Your Roof

The insurance adjuster will determine the validity of your claim when they conduct an inspection of the cause of the damage resulting from extreme weather. The assessment will be used to determine whether your insurance company will pay to repair or replace your roof. There are several things the insurance adjuster will consider.

  • Age of roof
  • What kind of damage
  • Severity of damage
  • Date of damage
  • Proper roof installation
  • Your homeowner’s policy

Call your roofer first

Your local roofing contractor will first do an inspection and provide a professional assessment and document the damages. They can walk you through filing an insurance claim and meet with the insurance adjuster to speak on your behalf. Having a professional roofer from the start can speed up the process and help with getting your insurance claim approved. Your homeowner’s insurance is in place for times just like these.


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